



署名の発信者 井口 裕子

English is written below.
日本三景 天橋立のある 海の京都 宮津市。
そんな美しい小さな海のまちで、ゲノム編集のとらふぐが ふるさと納税返礼品に出品されました。
なのになぜ 京都市内の企業が、ゲノム編集したとらふぐを宮津市のふるさと納税返礼品にするのでしょうか?天然の地魚が魅力なのに、どうしてわざわざ市長がゲノム編集の会社を応援しているのか、理解に苦しみます。


●移植などにも利用できるが使い方を間違えれば 痛みを感じず 命尽きるまで戦う人間兵器を作ることも可能な、神の領域に迫るテクノロジー。


●農林水産省は販売者であるリージョナルフィッシュ社と答えましたが、この会社に対する質問等受け答えは全て 農林水産省からのレンタル移籍の方です。研修期間が終われば農水省に戻ります。
●宮津市は国が安全と認めていると言っていますが、国は責任を取らないと明言していますので、今後問題が起こった時 誰に責任があるのかはっきりしておらず、とても不安です。





なんとか この流れを ここで止めたいのです。

∞宮津 麦のね宙ふねっとワーク∞
井口裕子  矢野めぐみ

Miyazu City, a part of Kyoto by the Sea, is home to Amanohashite, one of Japan’s top three attractions.

Many tourists travel here for our fresh local fish, and anglers from all over Japan are attracted by varieties of fish in our waters.

It is in such a small and beautiful sea town that genome-edited torafugu(pufferfish) is being offered as its Furusato Nozei (hometown tax) return gift.

Furusato Nozei (hometown tax) is a unique Japanese tax system which seeks to address imbalances in urban and rural tax revenue by giving taxpayers the option to contribute their income or residential tax to a municipality of their choice.

The hometown tax return gift is given by the beneficiary to the taxpayer, and typically, each municipality selects a local product that is rich in local tradition and can be considered as representative of its region.

Despite its proximity to the sea and the abundance of fresh local fish, Miyazuhas chosen to offer genome-edited fish farmed on land as its representative gift.

The company selling this fish is called Regional Fish, a Kyoto University venture company.

We find it hard to understand why a product by a company started in Kyoto City has been chosen as Miyazu City’s hometown tax return gift. We find it even harder to comprehend why our mayor is going out of his way to support farmed fish when part of our city’s attraction is access to plentiful wild local seafood.

-About Genome Editing

Japan is the first country in the world to sell genome-edited fish.

Currently, Regional Fish has applied for sale of its red sea bream (madai) and pufferfish (torafugu), both of which are sold online and via various channels.

The company plans to expand its business in the near future with the construction of a new plant in collaboration with one of Japan’s popular conveyor belt sushi chains, Sushiro.

The consumption of genome-edited fish has not been widely implemented outside of Japan due to various food safety concerns and criticisms on the ethics of this method (see https://arcj.org/en/ethical-consumption-en/genome-editing-cruelty/

Genome edited products are currently not subject to the same labeling requirements as genetically modified ones (see https://www.fishfarmingexpert.com/article/gene-edited-bream-goes-on-sale-in-japan/ and it can be difficult for consumers to identify what they are consuming when it comes to processed fish such as sushi or sashimi (see https://www.foodnavigator-asia.com/Article/2019/12/05/Genome-edited-food-products-to-go-on-sale-in-Japan-despite-no-labelling-and-safety-provisions

Genome-editing works by destroying part of the fish’s genes in order to achieve enlarged muscles and increased bulk or flesh. This process produces deformed fish with brittle bones and diseases, and it would not be an exaggeration to call this a torture-farming of fish (see https://www.testbiotech.org/en/news/crispr-fish-suspected-torture-breeding

Products of genome-editing are said to be safe compared to genetically modified one, but some experts warn that there are similar or even greater risks (see https://enveurope.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s12302-020-00361-2

This technology has potential for use in human transplantations. Our fear is in the misuse of genome-editing for the creation of human weapons or in bioterrorism (see https://phys.org/news/2021-11-gene-weapon.html

No detailed safety inspections of genome-edited fish have been conducted or are required in Japan (https://www.science.org/content/article/gene-edited-foods-are-safe-japanese-panel-concludes and genome-editing research is still in its infancy (see https://www.whatisbiotechnology.org/index.php/science/summary/crispr

-Where does responsibility lie?

Currently, there are no specific rules or governance regarding the use of genome editing in Japan. With regards to the use of genome-edited pufferfish, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) has declared, "The Japanese government does not permit the use of this organism in Japan.”

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) stated that all responsibilities are borne by the seller, Regional Fish Corporation. Yet it appears that questions regarding this issue directed at the company were fielded by staff on internship from MAFF, who will return to the agency at the end of their training period.

Miyazu City claims that the safety of the fish is recognized by the national government. However, since the national government has clearly stated that they will not take responsibility, it is not clear who will be held responsible ifproblems should occur in the future. We see this as a strong cause for worry.

-Our Appeal

Please remove genome-edited pufferfish from Miyazu City's list hometown tax returns, because there are still concerns about its safety for consumption.

Please listen to the opinions of your residents. We are concerned about genome editing and would like to hear more from experts who see the risks involved. We hope that more explanatory meetings for residents can be held, so that together, we can learn more about this new technology.

Please stop promoting Regional Fish and their products as if all Miyazuresidents are aware and supportive of their work.

A recent article reported that Regional Fish is proceeding with the construction of offshore aquaculture.

Given the risks and the uncertainties involved If even one fish escaped, we hope that this plan can be halted till more risk assessments are conducted. We hope the city will carefully consider giving this project their permission.

To all of you who have taken notice,

Thank you for reading our petition.

We are a very small entity, but we are voicing our opinions because we are afraid of just blindly believing that we are safe because the government says so.

We hope to stop this alarming trend before the government continues to promote the myth that genome-editing is completely safe and risk-free, and before more villages of genome-editing can be created.

We want to make sure that the government promotes genome editing with the myth that it is safe and secure, and before a genome editing village is created.

We also want to do something before genome-edited foods are distributed as a matter of course in our children's school lunches and in our favorite conveyor belt sushi restaurants and supermarkets without proper, or even any, labeling.

Please lend us your support!


∞ Miyazu Mugi-no-Ne Sora-fu Net Work ∞

Yuko Iguchi ( Noco)
Megumi Yano

Here are more readings on this technology and its potential implications and risks:

> CRISPR-Cas9 induces large structural variants at on-target and off-target sites in vivo that segregate across generations (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-28244-5


> CRISPR-Cas9 can generate unexpected, heritable mutations (https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/02/220202080317.htm


> CRISPR-Cas9 babies likely to die earlier, Berkeley study says. (https://www.dw.com/en/crispr-cas9-babies-likely-to-die-earlier-berkeley-study-says/a-49025884


> The CRISPR-baby scandal: what’s next for human gene-editing (https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-00673-1
